Dear friends!

Here is a new version of Sudoku puzzle!


Playing area represents a 9x9 grid divided into 3x3 sub-grids. Thus the playing area consists of 81 squares. At the start of the game, the board will have some of the squares filled in with digits from 1 to 9; they are called hints. The player has to fill empty cells with 1 to 9 digits so that digits do not recur in each row, each column and each of the nine 3x3 boxes.

The difficulty of Sudoku depends not on the amount of initially filled cells, but on the methods you apply for solving it.

Each puzzle has only one solution.

By clicking on the left button of the mouse a digit will be entered in the cell; the right button — possibles will be eliminated or added.

Difficulty level may be set in parameters.


Naked Singles

Hidden Singles

Naked Pairs

Naked Triples

Naked Quads

Hidden Pairs

Hidden Triples

Pointing Pairs

Box/line reduction


This is the last method of solving the game, also known as trial and error method.

  • Select an empty cell and enter one of the possible values. For convenience, mark the cell by clicking «mark the digit» link, then click on the required cell.
  • Solve Sudoku using the methods described above.
  • In case all possible values have been exhausted, or you have made a mistake, go back to initial arrangement by clicking «special move» button and eliminate the value you have chosen out of the «candidates».

Upper button panel

Upper button panel

Undo, redo (including left arrow key and right arrow key on the keyboard) allow you to move forward or backward at your discretion, up until the beginning of game.

New game — starts a new game. By pressing «New game» button repeatedly you can browse the games and select the puzzle you prefer. By using up arrow and down arrow keys you can move through the offered layouts. Only the puzzles you started to play will enter your game history (i.d. you made at least one move). You may return to the previous layout by pressing a part of the button marked with.<.

Start anew — begin a new take.

Special move — this allows for a fast scroll back over the sequence of moves until you reach the stage required. This helps you quickly locate the stage where you possibly had made a mistake. After having pressed the «Special move» button, select any digit on the desk and click on it. You can exit the «Special move» mode by repeatedly clicking the «Special move» button, or by pressing the ESC key.

After selecting «Special move» you can scroll your decision with «Redo» and «Undo» buttons. Until you have made a new move you may cancel the special move by pressing the «Cancel special move» button (where the «Special move» button previously was).

Hint — show hint for next move.

Playing board info

Playing board info

A list of your attempts is indicated above, with an option to return to any one of them. The large number indicates the number of your current take. Red colored number indicates the number of puzzles which you have solved. To go to another attempt, press on the relevant number. When returning to unsolved puzzles you shall see the previous positioning of the numbers. When you go to solved puzzles, you will be able to see how you had made your moves by scrolling «redo» and «undo» buttons.

You shall find puzzle info below the attempts list:

  • Puzzle number (1);
  • Numbers to place (41);
  • Difficulty (easy);
  • Puzzle rating (rating 3:15) — average time spent by all players to solve this puzzle, the number of players who solved the puzzle out of the number of the players who attempted to solve it;
  • Amount of moves in the current attempt (moves 1);
  • Current time of the latest attempt (time 0:00). If you haven’t made a single move during 15 seconds (e.g. you got distracted from the game), time freezes. The frozen time is highlighted in blue. Any move made afterwards resumes the time count;
  • Total time spent on all attempts (total time 0:25).

Mark digit — refers to the option of marking any digit. You can remove a mark by repeatedly pressing the digit in the «Mark digit» move.

Green dot means you have Internet connection, red dot means you are disconnected. You can still finish the puzzle while disconnected, but it will not be saved in your history, and you will not participate in the rating unless the connection restores while you are playing.

Lower button panel

Lower button panel

By opening Options you will be able to:

  • Set an order of new puzzles: «play in random order» — by pressing the «new game» button a random-numbered puzzle will load up; by choosing «play in succession» mode numerically successive puzzle will load up;
  • You may go to a certain puzzle by entering puzzle number in the «enter puzzle number» bar.
  • Turn on controls for touch devices («Touch version»);
  • Choose puzzle difficulty;
  • Show/hide hints.

All puzzles — a list of all puzzles of the game with an option to view the statistics on each of them and to sort under several parameters.

All puzzles

History — allows you to see the entire history of all games played by you, to view statistics and your position in the overall rating according to the number of the solved puzzles (only for registered users).


About the puzzle — upon pressing this button the following will appear:

Comment — allows you to leave a comment and/or add the puzzle to your favorites (only for registered users).

Rating — rating of the players initially arranged according to the number of the solved puzzles.


Rank — displays players’ position in overall rating.

Date — column refers to the player’s registration date for a particular game.

Solved — how many puzzles was solved for today (green numbers with the plus show how many puzzles you tried to solve from 5 a.m. UTC of the previous day till 5 a.m. UTC of the current day).

Total — column shows how many puzzles you have tried to solve for today (green numbers with the plus show how many puzzles you tried to solve from 5 a.m. UTC of the previous day till 5 a.m. UTC of the current day).

Percentage — refers to the correlation of the number of the puzzles you solved to the number of the puzzles you have attempted to solve.

1st places — displays the number of first places according to the time spent to solve puzzles.

When you press one of the columns, the order of players may change depending on results.

Sign in / Profile — an option to enter personal profile, sign in or register.

My profile

Inside your profile you can fill out some additional personal information, upload a photo, as well as store and maintain messaging with other registered players.


You can play without registration as a guest. After having registered and/or authorized you will be able to manage your profile and send messages to other players.

To register, you have to enter your user name (at least 3 symbols) and password (not less than 5 symbols). If such a name already exists you will have to enter another one.

Sudoku   Game info   Guestbook   Play other games
Undo Redo
< New game
Restart game Обычная игра Тренировка Special move Hint

Choose cell or press ESC for cancel.

you have won!
Mark digit
Options All puzzles History About the puzzle Rating Sign in


Enter puzzle number



Version for touch devises
Hide hints in cells
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